Article in International Journal

Estudio comparativo sobre modelos aerodinámicos analíticos y computacionales para MAV de aleteo de alas MF Valdez, B. Balachandran, S. Preidikman 2020
Comparative study on analytical and computational aerodynamic models for flapping wings MAVs Valdez, M.F., Balachandran, B., Preidikman, S. 2020
Comparison of four in-situ methods for the determination of walls thermal resistance in free-running buildings with alternating heat flux in different seasons FLORES LARSEN S., HONGN M., CASTRO N., GONZALEZ S. 2019
Impact of climate change on energy use and bioclimatic design of residential buildings in the 21st century in Argentina FLORES LARSEN S., FILIPPIN C., BAREA G. 2019
Performance energética de una vivienda social en Argentina y su rehabilitación basada en simulación térmica MAZZOCO M.P., FILIPPÍN C., SULAIMAN H., FLORES LARSEN S. 2018
Improvement of energy performance metrics for the retrofit of the built environment. Adaptation to climate change and mitigation of energy poverty FILIPPÍN C., FLORES LARSEN S., RICARD F. 2018
Retrospective analysis of the energy consumption of single-family dwellings in central Argentina. Retrofitting and adaptation to the climate change FILIPPÍN C., RICARD F., FLORES LARSEN S. SANTAMOURIS M. 2017
Modeling double skin green façades with traditional thermal simulation software Flores Larsen S., Filippín C.Lesino G 2015
Double skin glazed facades in sunny Mediterranean climates Flores Larsen S., Rengifo L., Filippin C. 2015
Experimental monitoring and post-occupancy evaluation of a non-domestic solar building in the central region of Argentina Filippín C., Flores Larsen S., Marek L. 2015
Thermal simulation of a double skin façade with plants Flores Larsen S., Filippín C., Lesino G 2014
Thermal evaluation and modeling of a double-pass solar collector for air heating González S., Flores Larsen S., Hernández A., Lesino G. 2014
Determining the infrared reflectance of specular surfaces by using thermographic analysis Flores Larsen S., Hongn M. 2014
Monitoreo energético experimental de vivienda unifamiliar compacta en un clima templado frio de Argentina Filippin C., Sipowicz E., Flores Larsen S. 2013
Passive solar radiant system, SIRASOL. Physical–mathematical modeling and sensitivity analysis Mercado V., Esteves A., Filippin C., Flores Larsen S. 2013
Evaluation of heating energy consumption patterns in the residential building sector using stepwise selection and multivariate analysis Filippin C., Ricard F., Flores Larsen S. 2013
Summer thermal behaviour of compact single family housing in a temperate climate in Argentina Filippin C., Flores Larsen S. 2012
Historical Consumption of Heating Natural Gas and Thermal Monitoring of a Multifamily High-Rise Building in a Temperate/Cold Climate in Argentina Filippín C., Flores Larsen S. 2012
Study of the energy consumption of a massive free-running building in the Argentinean northwest through monitoring and thermal simulation Flores Larsen S., Filippin C., González S. 2012
Winter energy behaviour in multi-family block buildings in a temperate-cold climate in Argentina Filippin C., Flores Larsen S., Mercado V. 2011
Transient simulation of a storage floor with a heating/cooling parallel pipe system Flores Larsen S., Filipin C., Lesino G. 2010
Energy Consumption of Bioclimatic Buildings in Argentina During the Period 2001-2008 Filippin C., Flores Larsen S., Canori M. 2010
Analysis of energy consumption patterns in multi-family housing in a moderate cold climate Filippin C., Flores Larsen S 2009
Thermal behavior of the building envelope: a case study Flores Larsen S., Filippin C., Lesino G. 2009
Analysis and Improvement of the Thermal Behavior of Social Houses in Northern Argentina through Transient Thermal Simulation Flores Larsen S., Filippin C. 2008
Energy improvement of a conventional dwelling in Argentina through thermal simulation Filippin C., Flores Larsen S., Lopez Gay E. 2008
Eficiencia energética en un edificio no-residencial de uso intermitente y altas cargas internas en Argentina Flores Larsen S., Filippin C., Beascochea A. 2008
An experience on integrating monitoring and simulation tools in the design of energy-saving buildings Flores Larsen S., Filippin C., Beascochea A., Lesino G. 2008
An Energy Efficient School for A Nature Disposed Population in Arid Lands of Central Argentina Filippin C., Marek L., Flores Larsen S., Lesino G. 2007
Response of conventional and energy-saving buildings to design and human dependent factors Filippin C., Flores Larsen S., Beascochea A., Lesino G. 2005
Estudio de la difusividad térmica de materiales de construcción Flores Larsen S. y Lesino G. 2004
Monitoreo y simulación de un sistema de conductos enterrados para acondicionamiento de oficinas Flores Larsen S. y Lesino G. 2003


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