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Analysis of energy consumption patterns in multi-family housing in a moderate cold climate

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Analysis of energy

Energy Policy 37, pp. 3489-3501. Elsevier, Ámsterdam, Holanda, ISSN 0301-4215. 2009.

Autores: Filippin C., Flores Larsen S.


This paper analyzes the energy consumption during the period 2001–2006 of 192 flats distributed in three-storey buildings, in order to understand how current policies related to energy use could be improved for increased residential energy efficiency in Argentina. The buildings (1, 2 and 3 bedrooms) are located in La Pampa, central Argentina, in a moderate cold climate. The dimensional and energy-consumption variables are studied (area, envelope’s area, FAEP=envelope’s area/floor area; envelope’s thermal resistance R, volumetric heat loss G and auxiliary heating Qaux). The natural gas consumption is analyzed at annual and seasonal levels. Consumption variability among buildings, storeys and flats is calculated. The quantitative analysis is coupled to a qualitative description through direct observation of the buildings. The results show: (a) a high incidence of natural gas consumption in the total annual energy consumption (natural gas+electricity), (b) seasonality of natural gas consumption, with a maximum value in the cold period July–August (variability=80%), (c) little variability among buildings of the annual natural gas consumption (4.17%), (d) the lowest average energy consumption at the first floor, (e) high variability among flats on each storey, (f) winter consumption of a multi-family dwelling lower than a single-family dwelling of similar area and (g) little seasonal variability of the electricity consumption.


  • Multi-family housing;
  • Energy consumption;
  • Heating

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